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Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Filiz Marasli

P1 –  Describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the life stages of an individual.

I will be describing the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of each stage that an individual goes through during their life time.

Conception – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in 1881 in Salonika in what was then the Ottoman Empire. He was born on the 19th of May, He was born to Ali Riza Efendi and Zubeyde Hanim. From the beginning of the Turkish war of independence, Ataturk was in the Ahmed Subasi neighbourhood or at a house in islahhane Street in the Koca Kasim Pasha Neighbourhood in Salonica, Ottoman Empire, to Zubeyde Hanim, a housewife, and Ali Riza Efendi, a militia officer was the father and mother to Ataturk. Only one of Mustafa’s siblings, a sister names Makbule (Atadan) survived childhood; she died in 1956. Ataturk was the main child in the family because he brang a new life into turkey. He was born Mustafa and his second name was Kemal which was the meaning of Perfection or Maturity was given to him by his mathematics teacher.

Pregnancy (gestation) – Pregnancy normally involves 3 trimesters, it is the development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo this means there is a fetus developing in your uterus. Pregnancy is diagnosed by detecting the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the woman’s blood or urine. The first trimester is when the most crucial to Ataturk was developed. During this situation it will take 0-13 weeks which means while developing Ataturk’s body structure and organ systems have then developed. Many miscarriages could happen and births during this period.

The changes can happen when a variety of symptoms, including nausea, breast tenderness and urination. Although this happens Zubeyde Hanim could have a different experience. For example, some experiences increase energy level during this period; it may have side effects which may be mentally emotional. The second trimester of pregnancy is often serious because many unpleasant effects of early pregnancy disappear. During the second trimester, this experience could decrease sleep levels and nausea, however, this experience would mean a new set of symptoms, such as back pains and leg cramps even a few heartburns which is a sign to the pregnancy. Between  the times of 16 weeks and 20 weeks, Zubeyde could have felt Ataturk’s first fluttering movements.

The third trimester is the final stretch of pregnancy and physical symptoms will be felt at certain times. Between the times of 27 to 40 weeks, this means the mother is ready to give to birth to the child, which this means the size of her uterus will expand from 2 ounces before pregnancy to 25 pounds at the time of birth. Zubeyde may experience shortness of breath and sleeping problems. Some symptoms may experience during this period varicose veins which means the mother’s body is developing and this means she will be ready for birth.

Birth and infancy – Emotionally the baby will get attached to the mother because the mother provides food and a sense of comfort, birth also known as childbirth physically Ataturk’s brain will start to grow faster, newborn infants from the pregnant woman’s uterus. Birth has three stages labour, mainly the cervix’s shortening and dilation, the descent and birth of the infant also the removal of a newborn through surgical incision in the abdomen, instead of the vagina.

Childhood – During Mustafa attended a really posh expensive high school  .It was here that he gain the knowledge and skills need to voice his political views .During high school he succeed in completing his studies and then decided to pursue politics as a carrier.

Mustafa mother was able to send him to military she was very passion about his sons education and very supportive of his decision.  His mother was his primary caregiver she provides him with loving support, at school Mustafa was very social he had a lot of friends. He was seen as a start student who was dedicated to helping other children that needed extra support.

Adolescences –

Physically – Mustafa began undergo puberty .the symptoms of puberty includes He voice became deeper , he body muscle increased which leads to increases strengths .The prostate gland produces secretion , growth of pubic hair ,growth of facial hair.

Socially – As Mustafa entered his teenage years he began to focus more on his social life and making friends than his studies, this is a common thing that happens with most teenagers while going through puberty. He was a outgoing person and he’s mind frame worked in an amazing way, he was really talkative which got him into communicating with people.

Emotionally – Mustafa’s emotions began to change and began to experience mood swings which put him into serious depression because he kept imagining many difficult situations that his father has experienced in the past. Mustafa is mentally weak at his childhood because he was developing into someone with high standards this meant he was powerful in his own way.

Older Adulthood – As a young man, Mustafa Kemal became a member of the young Turks, this meant he participated in the Turk revolution within July. In the second Balkan war he became chief of staff before being posted at the Turkish embassy in Bulgaria. He came turkey’s first president which meant he was physically very busy and he had a lot of demands. Socially and economically reforms were a part of his strategy.

Final Stages – Mustafa Kemal was married briefly from 1923 to 1925, although he never fathered children, he adopted a girl called Sabia Gokcen, He was so powerful that he took over Ottoman empire. He made new laws established legal equality between the sexes. Mustafa removed women’s veiling laws and gave women the right to vote. He finally led the Turkish National Movement in the Turkish War of Independence. In the final stages Ataturk’s health was worsening started to appear, he suffered from a serious illness, He went Istanbul for treatment, where he was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. He made an effort to keep up with his regular lifestyle for a while but then he couldn’t take it so far, He died on 10 November 1938, at the age of 57, in the Dolmabahce palace.

P2 – Explain the potential effects of five different life factors on the development of an individual.

In this assignment I am going to explain the five different life stages on the development that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk goes through.

Rich lifestyle – Ataturk formed the republic of Turkey in 1923 and then previously the land within the borders that was the Ottoman Empire. As a president he had a lot of money so he could help Turkey and support them financially, Ataturk made Turkey more of a touristic country because Turkey was developing into an amazing atmosphere due to the buildings and traditional designs. He’s money was able to support his family and provide his daughter with good education and in good living conditions.

Military education – As a young boy, Mustafa had attended a religious school, His father later allowed the child to transfer to the Semsi Efendi School, a secular private school.  He learnt discipline and this is why he was a good leader because he took responsibilities and he was able to handle serious situations. He later on attended the military high school, which meant that he was enrolled in to Ottoman Military Academy. Mustafa was then graduated from the Ottoman Military College and began his career in the army which then taught him to become a strong leader of the army.

Presidency – Ataturk became the president of Turkey when the country became a republic and a new government was instituted. He had the difficult job of ensuring that the Turkish empire didn’t collapse .He must have felt immense pressure as the country depends on him. As a president he stood up for the women rights. He established a party to modernize turkey to compete with other countries in order to get power.

Marriage – Ataturk married only once to Latife Usakligil, he met her during the recapture of occupied Izmir. He loved his wives very much she was a very supportive figure and quite intelligent towards everyone.  However there were some problems in the marriage. Mustafa was very busy in his career so he had little time to spend with his wife and daughter. Later on in life he adopted a few more children because he believed that having a big family would bring joy into his marriage.

Hobbies/talents – Ataturk enjoyed reading, horse riding and many different activities, He was interested in dancing and taking pleasure in waltzing on most every opportunity, as well as the traditional Zeybek folk dances. Ataturk was fluent in French and German, and maintained a rich personal library of books on politics, history etc. He was known to have an appreciation for the national beverage, raki. His aim was the to be the leadership amongst the Turkish revolutionaries.

P3 – Explain the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual.

In this assignment I will be stating the two predictable and two unpredictable events on the changes of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.


Married – Marriage is an important aspect of his Islamic culture, he was searching for a wife so he could feel loved. Marriage is a part of forming a family and Ataturk believed that he needed a woman to be beside him and take he’s responsibilities before he gets too old. He was an independent man till he met he’s wife, he mentioned how “every women has enough power to rule the world”. He learnt how to rely on his wife instead of relying on he’s family which taught him a lesson.

Children – He learnt a lot of parental skills, such as patience this helped him to deal with his situations easily. He had adopted around 8 children because he believed that instead of giving birth to a child, there are many kids that need love and a family. Ataturk believed that children bring happiness into a relationship. Ataturk learnt how to take responsibilities and to provide for he’s kids which helped him for the future because he was trying to succeed for his family. Ataturk mentioned “Children are a new beginning of tomorrow.” this meant he was an amazing father figure. Ataturk always provided money which was good living conditions, he made all he’s children study in private schools.

Non- Predictable

Presidency – Ataturk accomplished so many things when he became a president, most people thought it was impossible for him to make turkey an independent country. He was named the “Father of the Turks” was given to Mustafa Kemal by the Turkish people in accordance with his reforms and his success in creating a modern Turkish country because he aimed for turkey to be a open minded country yet again for the teenagers to have free, women to have votes. He joined wars and fighter for the Turkey’s freedom. Ataturk made the occupation of Istanbul by the British to get into the European side. hen he joined the Ottoman Army, he had already passed 13 years of military education and this showed how successful and passionate he was. To become a president the society voted for a powerful man which was chosen as Ataturk.

Death – Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died at a very young age, he died at the age of 57 because of an illness called cirrhosis whereas I thought he would live for a old age because he was very healthy and active man. After his lifestyle had always been strenuous. Alcohol consumption during dinner discussions, smoking, long hours of hard work, very little sleep, and working on his projects and dreams had been his way of life. As the historian Will Durant had said, “men devoted to war, politics, and public life wear out fast, and all three had been the passion of Atatürk.” Ataturk wasn’t expecting he’s death to come upon him because he was always mentally and physically strong. Ataturk’s body was captured with the illness he had which was permanent. The Father of the Turks finally came to rest at his mausoleum, the Anitkabir which was the traditional place where he was buried.

P5/M3 – Explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing. 

In this assignment I will be explaining the physical and psychological changes that was associated with Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s ageing.

Many people go through different life stages such as with their bodies as their age, There are many differences that happen which people do get effected from which is the social environment, or even illnesses that people experience such as other exercises as factors. There is a physical change which can be compared with ageing which is physical (the skin). When Mustafa Kemal Ataturk got older his body became thinner and even weaker. Ataturk joined so many wars that he most likely had bruises and cuts around his body which took a longer period of time to heal back to normal because he experienced a lot of attacks. As Ataturk got older, on his face he started to develop wrinkles and cheekbones because his body was getting weak each day which was a natural process that humans go through in the stages of ageing.

Second of all, there’s many other natural problems that people go through as they pass a certain age, such as physical change that is associated with ageing is Liver cirrhosis. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk suffered from Liver cirrhosis which is mainly because cirrhosis is scarring of the liver as a result of continuous, long-term liver damage. The scar tissue replaces healthy tissue in the liver and prevents the liver from working properly which has happened to Ataturk. This symptoms of Liver cirrhosis  include painful reactions and heart burn which is really tricky to get away with when the liver feels stiff. Another physical change that is associated with ageing is anger issue disorder, this illness carried on after leaving his medications and not even attending the hospital, he’s system was not working properly but sometimes he would even have a loss of mental ability which effected he’s carrier. Ataturk developed dementia as he got older which meant that he wasn’t as powerful as before because the illness affected his memory.

Normally, having a memory loss isn’t normal because its over the age of 70 that go through this stage, the most tricky problem was that people with dementia find it hard to read or write. Their judgement would make it difficult for the person to find the right words when speaking, so usually when making a speech he would rather have someone that could translate. As time went by he wasn’t able to communicate or even have the confidence to say a word which effected his hole life, he wasn’t out of the hospital for time because people has known him as a powerful and strong guy, he was no longer what they expected as he felt paranoid as well. Multiple sclerosis was another physical change in Ataturk’s life because It is a Depression that is more common in this condition, too. It’s not clear how much of the depression arises from the effects of the disease on the brain and how much results through the consequences of the disability.
The ageing process does not begin at any particular age. People age throughout their life, and so it is not only those in older adulthood or the final stages of life that experience ageing. People do not age in a fixed way as they are constantly changing in individual and different ways. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk experience a difference of ageing compared to others. Physical changes can happen to the skin, bones joints and muscles which are; the skin becomes thinner and more wrinkled, bones become less dense and more likely to fracture easily, joints becomes stiffer and may become painful as the cartilage on the bone ends become looser, the ligaments which reinforce joints become more rounded. The sense of balance will become impaired.

Ataturk’s ability taste and smell can deteriorate. With Ataturk’s vision it can deteriorate because of a range of problems and cataract will develop in he’s system. Ataturk’s muscles in the digestive tract become weak which creates a risk of constipation. Also when ageing your heart is less affective at pumping the blood around your heart, this also can mean that your blood pressure can rise. Nutrients from the food can’t be absorbed from the food as effective as they were before. Ataturk’s breathing has become less efficient because of the respiratory muscles are weaker than before. Menopause is a normal part of ageing. It is not a disease or disorder. Women who have symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats may decide to use hormones like estrogenic because of the benefits, but there are also side effects and risks to consider. The menopause also known as the change of life is the end of menstruation.  This means a woman’s ovaries stop producing an egg every four weeks. She will no longer have a monthly period or be able to have children. The menopause is caused by a change in the balance, Ataturk’s wife went through this process after a certain age.

The most psychological change that I am going to discuss is he’s ill health. When Ataturk’s got older he experienced some major respiratory problems which cause him to be hospitals for a long period of time. This would have effected his self-confidence because he would have been depressed and he would feel like he’s depending on doctors to support him with basis task.

P4 – Explain two theories of ageing (use scenario given in vocational context

In this assignment I am going to be discussing the Disengagement theory and the activity theory was proposed. Both theories have a different take ageing.

The theory of Social Disengagement is a famous theory that was proposed by Elaine Cumming and William Henry. The disengagement theory of aging states that “aging is an inevitable, mutual withdrawal or disengagement, resulting in decreased interaction between the aging person and others in the social system he belongs to.” There are different reasons why elderly people might disengage from society and this is mainly because of:

ill health : They may have health problems or diseases that stop them from interacting with other people. Some of these could be hearing impairment, visual impairment, mobility or breathing etc. They could physically feel weak or even mentally effected by their illness. Ataturk’s illness may have increased after a certain age because he could see the differences after experiencing his bodies weakness.

Geographical mobility : Ataturk moved to a place that is quiet and peaceful as they may become easily irritated by noisy environments. It could also mean that family members want more privacy. They move away to find a better job in another place. There were many areas that were peaceful and this is what Ataturk always loved in his working environments.

Retirement : Is when they stop working completely as they will not be able to do their job as effective as before due to ageing. This means that they will no longer or have less contact with their colleagues. Retirement meant that they were not able to work after a certain age due to their abilities would be limited.

Travel and technology :

Technology – Back in time Ataturk didn’t know how to use computers or phones, most likely because it didn’t exist. Everything is technology based in this era, computers and phones are the most important thing to have as it will help you connect or communicate with your loved ones, friends and relatives. Older people who don’t have children or grandchildren the seclusion they face is even worse as they have no way to learn how to use any of the new technology that’s being offered on the market at the moment.

Travelling –  Mainly for Ataturk he struggled to travel to certain places because it was too much effort and he felt uncomfortable after a certain age. Older people travelling can consume too much time they may also find it difficult to sit in the same position for to long. The lack of travelling services may also be an issue, as if your over a certain age it might be difficult to travel aboard as the health insurance may not cover you. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk also faced difficulty with day-to-day activities by lack of mobility (not being able walk, or not owning a car).

In conclusion, humans develop really quickly and after a certain age their ability to do things become more difficult because the body gets used to doing simple things after getting old. Ataturk was a strong man that never let go off anything and this was because he was powerful, even when he was ill, he refused to stay in the hospital because he seemed to want to experience every day of his life in a peaceful way.


It is assessed by: Argeus Tourism & Travel (2013), 30/01/15

It is assessed by: Wikipedia (2015), 30/01/15

It is assessed by: Culture and tourism (2005),,31350/biography-of-ataturk.html 30/01/15

It is assessed by: Nimet Seker Book (2009) 30/01/15